Maternity Ward Administrator The role provides personal assistant support for senior members of the team/ward manager. Qualifications English Maths
Training Basic Mandatory training
Ward Environment Support Staff (WESS) To support the ward staff to ensure environment is kept clean and tidy.
Qualifications English Maths Care Certificate
Training Basic Mandatory training
Maternity Care Assistant The Maternity Care Assistant helps to care for mothers and babies. Making routine observations (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, breathing, etc) updating records and other admin tasks. educating parents one-to-one or in groups.
Qualifications Care Certificate
Training Basic Mandatory training
Maternity support worker- band 2 The maternity support worker (Band 2) can carry out a range of tasks that focus on housekeeping, administration and the personal care of mothers and babies. They will work in a range of maternity settings under the direct supervision of a midwife. The maternity settings will include antenatal clinic, the antenatal and postnatal ward, delivery suite and obstetric theatre.
Maternity support worker- band 3 The MSW (Band 3) will undertake a range of delegated clinical and clerical duties, including record keeping and data protection responsibilities. They work in a range of maternity settings under the supervision of a midwife or other health professional. The maternity settings can include antenatal clinic, the antenatal and postnatal ward, delivery suite, obstetric theatre, community clinics and in a woman’s own home.
Qualifications English Maths Advance care certificate equivalent
Training Infant Feeding Smoking Cessation Venepuncture & Cannulation Catheterisation Safeguarding
Infant Feeding Support Worker The role provides advice and supports parents in infant feeding.
Qualifications English Maths Care Certificate
Training Infant Feeding BFI
band 4
Maternity support worker- band 4 The MSW (Band 4) undertakes a range of delegated clinical and clerical duties, including record keeping and data protection responsibilities. They work in a range of maternity settings under the supervision of a midwife or other health professional. The maternity settings will include antenatal clinic, the antenatal and postnatal ward, delivery suite, obstetric theatre, community clinics and in a woman’s own home. Clinical duties may include the recording of vital signs of the woman and those of the normal neonate, obtaining blood and urine samples, supporting breastfeeding, preparing equipment, supporting midwives in the conduct of a normal birth, assisting the midwife and the doctor in emergency situations, working in obstetric theatre including undertaking the scrub role.
Qualifications English Maths Advance care certificate equivalent
Training Infant Feeding Smoking Cessation Venepuncture & Cannulation Catheterisation Safeguarding
Smoking Cessation Advisor Smoking cessation advisors have received specialist training. They're experienced in helping people to stop smoking. The smoking cessation advisor will use their skills to support and motivate, alongside their knowledge of stop smoking medication, to increase the chances of stopping successfully.
Qualifications English Maths Care Certificate
Ward Manager Assistant Manages the administrative process for recruitment and orientation of new ward staff and keep track of the progress of recruits.
Qualifications English Maths
Health and Safety Apprentice Health and safety apprenticeship jobs are practical workplace training programmes. While working full-time, apprentices receive training to help them develop the skills and competencies necessary for a successful career in health and safety.
Qualifications English Maths
Training Health and safety apprenticeship
band 5
Preceptorship Midwife Preceptorship is a period of structured support for newly registered midwives. The main aim is to welcome and integrate the newly registered midwife into their new team and place of work.
Qualifications Registered Midwife
Midwife Being a midwife is more than just delivering babies. A midwife is usually the first and main contact for the woman during her pregnancy, throughout labour and the early postnatal period. They are responsible for providing care to the woman and baby and supporting women to make informed choices about their care. The role of the midwife is very diverse. They carry out clinical examinations, provides health and parent education and supports the woman and family throughout the childbearing process helping them adjust to their parental role. The midwife also works in partnership with other health and social care services to meet individual women’s needs, for example, teenage mothers, mothers who are socially excluded and disabled mothers. Midwives are responsible for their own individual practice and have a statutory responsibility to keep up to date with current knowledge.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Audit Midwife The role is responsible for ensuring the co-ordination of the clinical audit programme within Maternity Services. The post holder will provide expert advice and promote clinical audit and quality improvement and assurance projects relevant to Maternity Services.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Digital Team Analyst The purpose of a Digital Analyst is to use data and analytics to identify trends and opportunities in the digital space, enabling organisations to optimise their digital strategies and improve their overall performance.
Below details which trust this role is available in and at which band. UHS Band 5
Maternity Erostering Lead To provide day to day support for the users, diagnose and remedy any errors or malfunctions of the system.
band 6
Midwife Being a midwife is more than just delivering babies. A midwife is usually the first and main contact for the woman during her pregnancy, throughout labour and the early postnatal period. They are responsible for providing care to the woman and baby and supporting women to make informed choices about their care. The role of the midwife is very diverse. They carry out clinical examinations, provides health and parent education and supports the woman and family throughout the childbearing process helping them adjust to their parental role. The midwife also works in partnership with other health and social care services to meet individual women’s needs, for example, teenage mothers, mothers who are socially excluded and disabled mothers. Midwives are responsible for their own individual practice and have a statutory responsibility to keep up to date with current knowledge.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Audit Midwife The role is responsible for ensuring the co-ordination of the clinical audit programme within Maternity Services. The post holder will provide expert advice and promote clinical audit and quality improvement and assurance projects relevant to Maternity Services.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Integrated Midwife The role work cohesively with other services to provide antenatal education.
Training Essential skills for midwives Practice assessor NIPE
Infant Feeding Midwife The role of the midwife in breastfeeding is extensive and includes relaying knowledge about the subject, promoting, encouraging and supporting breastfeeding mothers, complying with policies and practices, and importantly, practising in a professional manner.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training BFI
Tongue Tie Practitioner The role involves conducting the tongue tie procedure on babies.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Bereavement Midwife The Bereavement Midwife are trained to care for and support women and families who suffer the loss of a baby. She is responsible for offering immediate and long-term emotional support, information and practical guidance to women.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Trainee Sonographer Sonographers use ultrasound equipment to screen and diagnose medical conditions.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Sonography modules
Midwife Sonographer Sonographers use ultrasound equipment to screen and diagnose medical conditions.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Sonography modules
band 7
Specialist Midwife The role provides information and/or counselling to aid decision making. This may also include supporting women through diagnostic procedures, for example amniocentesis or signposting women and their families to other sources of information and support.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree Senior Operational Midwife The clinical midwife manager or senior/lead midwife is an experienced midwife with a hybrid role of operational management and clinical leadership and responsibility for a defined clinical area.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Clinical Lead The role is responsible for overseeing the delivery of high-quality patient care and implementing best practices and guidelines to ensure that clinical standards are maintained.
Qualifications Registered midwife
Training Line management course Appraisal training Community Team Leader To provide visible leadership, engagement and day to day management of community services.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training HR Training Labour Ward Coordinator Labour ward coordinators hold leadership and management responsibilities for labour ward and shift coordination. When allocated to coordinate a shift they are the central focus for the maternity workforce and obstetricians and have overall responsibility for ensuring high quality, safe care. When coordinating they must have a critical knowledge and awareness of the multidisciplinary team working on that shift to ensure that women are allocated a midwife and/or other members of the multidisciplinary team with the most appropriate skills to meet their needs and those of the baby.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training HR Training Midwifery Operational Coordinator The role will provide clinical leadership and to have a clinical responsibility and accountability for all midwifery and support staff, thus ensuring the continuing development of best practice.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training HR Training Birth Centre Coordinator Midwife with overall responsibility for operational and clinical leadership of the Birth centre.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training HR Training Inpatient Lead Midwife Midwife with operational and clinical leadership of maternity inpatient areas.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training HR Training Midwife Sonographer Sonographers use ultrasound equipment to screen and diagnose medical conditions.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Sonography modules
Infant Feeding Midwife The role of the midwife in breastfeeding is extensive and includes relaying knowledge about the subject, promoting, encouraging and supporting breastfeeding mothers, complying with policies and practices, and importantly, practising in a professional manner.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training BFI
Tongue Tie Practitioner The role involves conducting the tongue tie procedure on babies.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Infant Feeding
Data Analyst The purpose of a Digital Analyst is to use data and analytics to identify trends and opportunities in the digital space, enabling organisations to optimise their digital strategies and improve their overall performance.
Matron- Clinical The role ensures that the services provided are responsive to patient needs, that the planning of services involves patients and users, and reflects the diverse population served.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Management Birth Environment Matron
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Mary Seacole Training Coaching Buddy Matron Shadowing, UHS leadership training
Community Services Matron Community Matrons are experts in assessing complex medical problems, and supporting people who live with long-term conditions.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Mary Seacole Training Matron- Quality and Safety Provide assurance that wards, departments and services are delivering safe, high quality care. They do this through audits and by monitoring patient and staff experience and satisfaction.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Human Factors Maternity and Neonatal Safety Lead To support improvement in the quality and safety of maternity and neonatal units.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Higher Level Leadership & Management training - internal and external
Deputy Head of Midwifery The primary role function is to support the Head of Midwifery in providing a high level of professional support and advice to all staff working in the Midwifery service.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Aspiring midwifery leaders’ course Governance Consultant Midwife The Consultant Midwife role is the highest point in the midwife's clinical career and represents clinical excellence, leadership and academic capability. Consultant midwives provide inspirational clinical leadership to ensure services for women, their babies and families reflect research and audit, are of high quality, appropriate and innovative.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree
Training Audit Research
Operational Service Manager Responsible for operational management of services such as workforce, finance and service provision. Below details which trust this role is available in and at which band. HHFT Band 8b
Head of Midwifery A head of midwifery (HoM) within the maternity setting is a highly experienced senior midwife, manager and professional leader with an operational overview and responsibility for maternity services from acute to community provision. They have a responsibility to support the strategic corporate leadership of maternity services and so work closely, collaboratively and productively with the Senior Midwifery team, consultant midwife, director of midwifery (DoM), the clinical director and chief nurse in influencing and providing safe, high quality clinical care, education and research across the trust or health board and community.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree Masters Degree
Training Workforce Governance Leadership and Management
Deputy Director of Midwifery The primary role function is to support the Director of Midwifery in providing a high level of professional support and advice to all staff working in the Midwifery service.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree Masters Degree
Training Higher Level Leadership & Management training - internal and external
Head of Midwifery A head of midwifery (HoM) within the maternity setting is a highly experienced senior midwife, manager and professional leader with an operational overview and responsibility for maternity services from acute to community provision. They have a responsibility to support the strategic corporate leadership of maternity services and so work closely, collaboratively and productively with the Senior Midwifery team, consultant midwife, director of midwifery (DoM), the clinical director and chief nurse in influencing and providing safe, high quality clinical care, education and research across the trust or health board and community.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree Masters Degree
Training Workforce Governance Leadership and Management Deputy Director of Midwifery The primary role function is to support the Director of Midwifery in providing a high level of professional support and advice to all staff working in the Midwifery service.
Qualifications Midwifery Degree Masters Degree
Training Higher Level Leadership & Management training - internal and external
Director of Midwifery A director of midwifery (DoM) is the most senior midwife in an NHS Trust or Health Board. The DoM provides the corporate, strategic, professional lead for delivery of maternity services. They link the strategic and operational objectives to ensure delivery of high quality and safe maternity services. Directors of midwifery have three broad roles:
Professional leader for midwives and midwifery
Advocate for safe, high quality maternity care, in partnership with all maternity care providers and educationalists
Lead and manage the strategic and operational delivery of maternity services
Qualifications Masters Degree
Training Higher Level Leadership & Management training - internal and external